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Background and requirement

LE TacCIS is a Cat A £4Bn joint sponsored programme on the Government Major Project Portfolio (GMPP). As a result of an IPA audit the Programme was advised to re-set Programme governance and controls.

The requirement was to provide support to define and manage the scope of the LE TacCIS programme to enable effective delivery and management of assumptions and dependencies.


Define the scope and internal dependencies of the projects within the programme by producing and updating Project Mandates.

Establishing an annual update to the Programme Mandate to ensure it is aligned with the current understanding of the capabilities to be delivered against the Front Line Command requirement and User need.

Enabling internal and external dependency and assumption management.

Establishing good working relationships with the Army HQ (D Info Strategy and Plans) and Joint Forces Command (JFC)) and BATCIS Project team as the main stakeholders for the task.

Ensure effective change control is designed and established to enable effective management and definition of the baseline to the scope of the Programme through improved Information Service Plan (ISP) and the Options Process.


This has ensured the programme has control and understanding of what is expected to be delivered. This enables control over time and cost management and allows the lower level requirements to be managed effectively. It has also enabled dependency and assumption agreements to be defined and agreed with external projects and programmes.