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Background and requirement

The Mine Hunting Capability (MHC) is part of the Maritime Autonomous Systems (MAS) and consists of four major projects as part of a programme of change.  MHC consists of four major projects that deliver new capability and a number of enabling and supporting projects. The purpose of this novel Capability was to replace the current traditional approach to mine detection and clearance by de-risking the inherent danger presented to personnel and equipment by providing an autonomous surface borne detection method and neutralisation capability to perceived submerged threat(s).


Sagentia Defence, formerly TP Group, were tasked with assessing the Initial Support Solution and producing a set of ILS artefacts. This included a Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Case Report and a Logistic Support Demonstration (Log Demo) Plan for the entire mission system, as well as an Integrated Logistic Support Plan (ILSP) for each of the four equipment projects, which formed a proposed Interim Support Solution. A Support Solution Development Tool (SSDT) was also delivered in support of each ILSP, in order to provide a visual representation of the risks associated with each project. This task was successfully conducted between October 2021 and March 2022 and has provided concise ILS support for the deployment to an operational theatre in 2023.

The Medium Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (MAUV) and Tethered – Unmanned Aerial System (T-UAS) were two of the major equipment projects within the MHC programme. Both of these projects were at the Invitation To Negotiate (ITN) phase of procurement and therefore the purpose of their ILSPs was to assess the provisions in the proposed Support Contracts and to make recommendations on how they could be improved.


Sagentia Defence also generated deliverables for The Maritime Mine Countermeasures (MMCM) and Influence Sweeping (SWEEP) primary systems (PS). These were developed as a ‘system of systems’ as an integral component of the MAS programme of change. Its purpose was to replace the current traditional approach to mine detection and clearance by providing autonomous surface borne detection methods and neutralisation capability.