Demand and Capacity Modelling
As part of the SKYNET 6 Client Side Support (CSS), Sagentia Defence, formerly TP Group, lead the Modelling and Simulation activities in the ~£6 billion Skynet 6 programme, having done so for over 3 years. A key activity has been the quantification of a demand requirement to which the future MilSatcom fleet could be scaled.
First, Sagentia Defence modelling engineers captured and analysed the Information Exchange Requirements (IERs) for next generation UK military satellite communications (land, air and maritime users). This included an understanding of how the requirements and use cases vary. For example: prioritisation, resilience and latency of traffic; and impact on the network monitoring information.
Then Sagentia Defence modelling engineers specified and developed a bespoke tool that incorporated discrete event simulations, numerical MATLAB models, and models of orbit determination, coverage and communication links. Using the IER inputs with the demand and capacity model facilitated Operational Analysis of several potential satellite ecosystems to be traded-off resulting in a JROC endorsed solution to be pursued.
These demand and capacity results were then visualised in an Insertion Point model which displayed a Milsatcom demand curve (with associated growth rate) and satellite capacity against time with insertion of new SK6 satellites and demise of old SK5 satellites. This visualisation has proved invaluable to highlighting the strategic importance of the SK6 procurement. It has been used to model the potential shortfalls of risk scenarios, such as delays or failures to upcoming launches and early end-of-life events for old satellites. Sagentia Defence modelling engineers have given live demonstrations of this model to 2* Generals and Secretary of State Special Advisors to help visualise assessment phase activities and potential risk scenarios.
Other SK6 Modelling
Sagentia Defence modelling engineers have also developed a SK6 Modelling and Simulation strategy, which involves defining the capability requirements and enablers in terms of people, processes and tools, to deliver the SKYNET Modelling and Simulation capability through life. Sagentia Defence has other key activities include creating complex multi-domain models for simulation of future integrated systems, assurance of outputs for externally supplied models and verification and validation of requirements in line with MOD and industry standards.
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